So its singapore 45th birthday yesterday and yes,i celebrated it!haha!Like the previous years, we will always catch the amazing fireworks.our plan to meet the other SPJs failed(again).haha.basically because there were too many people and they cant come over to meet us.but nvm,i did enjoy myself though.we actually planned to watch the fireworks at one fullerton but pathetically,one fullerton is so packed and we cant even go there.btw,it was only around 4+ when we reach there.BAIK!-.-
however,we got a nice spot near NTUC building.we get to watch the contigents and all those truck passing by!wooooots!I wanna take part in NDP was super fun the last time and i wanna experience it again!heh.
As for today,went for lunch with ayin and alle at plan was to just have lunch since mum was out with her bestfriend.I didnt even know she went out with cik siti.i only got to know it from ayin.nice!walked around jp after lunch,and we happen to pass by GV.Reminder to everyone,dont ever pass by GV because you'll tend to wanna catch a movie like me.I wanted to watch salt but because alle was with us,we need to watch a more suitable movie for him.we caught despicable me.HAH!besides,all of us didnt have a chance to watch yea,it was despicable me.Actually,i thought of watching streetdance again.heh.nvm,shall wait for step up 3D!
Apart from that,its the first day of the holy month of Ramadhan tomorrow!I got back from terawih with ayin,wir,along & ALLE few hours ago!it was chaotic!HAHAHAHHA!just by thinking of it,i can laugh non-stop.i shall not elaborate further ya.haha!
okay okay,enough.HAPPY FASTING EVERYONE!puasa eh,jgn tk puasa pulak!