This fat boy here offically turns 3 today.haha!HAPPY 3rd BIRTHDAY NOR EDLY DANYELLE!
Alle dah big boy eh.Jgn naughty2 okay.Stay chubby and cute.may you be blessed with great health,wealth and happiness:)
currently,this gemok boy here is down with chicken pox.kesian dia.down with chicken pox on his big day.haha!so,after school,i rushed to grandma's house to celebrate alle's soon as i reach,i was welcomed by the birthday himself.cute peh!HAHA.And yea,he was being very very well-behaved.oh well,he's sick.that explains why he's being so good.if not uh,confirm mcm berok!hahah!
I like the fact that he realises and aware that its his birthday today.he was freaking excited to cut the cake.we all know that he's a cake lover.usually,he'll get impatient when he see any cake but today,he served every single one of us with a piece of cake before he eats his.he even wakes grandma up and give her one.HAHA!
I love you alle.Happy birthday once again.jgn mintak mama air coke lagi okay.nanti sakit.mintak mama adik la.ckp ngn mama " Adik satu!" HAHA!