Wednesday, July 14, 2010

are they like good buddies?they are always seen together! alonso is my man,how come i dont know his good friends?hahaha.if they are,then goood.Both smoking hot!

i know these two spainiards,fabregas and pique are like best friends.and ya dont forget puyol.they are always together:) eh.heh.

i wanna more.i wanna who 'gang' with thing for sure about them,they really do know how to party!and ya,did you guys saw how fab dance?.i bet you guys have not seen it right!haha.confirm kaki clubbing nye ni matrep.suhana,your fab always club eh?tsk tsk,apa nk jadi?kau pon selalu join kan?hahah.aniway,he was really cute when he danced!like seriously:)