okay,i just came back from silat.training was normal,just like any other trainings.aniway,passed mrs cesc her belated birthday gift and thank god,she loves it^^.i know you are super happy with the fabregas birthday card right?oh well,tgok uh siapa yg buat.the twins joy!hhaha.and btw,i want an alonso birthday card on my 18th okay?i dont care,i want one!and wir shall get her puyol birthday card!hahahahah!cooooool!im so looking forward to it babe.and yea,good thing you love the shawl that we bought.wir and myself had a difficult time choosing the colour.haha!
This fat boy had an operation earlier today.haha.i swear i kept wondering how will the doctor make him pengsan.well,everyone knows that he has this thing with doctors.badan je besar,tapi nampak doctor nangis mcm nk gila.hah!and so after silat,went over to nenek's place to visit alle.he was weak.i mean not like his usual self,who never stops talking,singing,jumping,running,eating etc.haha.he was more reserved,quite,well-behaved.thats because he's in pain la.mcm kesian pon ada.haha.but one thing for sure,he never stops dancing.haha.sakit memang sakit,tapi joget tak boleh miss joy!HAHA!alle alle.cute la!
agenda for the weekend is full.what to do.imma busy woman.hahah.
okay im gonna sleep now.goodnight world~