okay enough about jogging.in the afternoon,sis sent danish over to our house as she wanna go jemputan.wir suddenly came up with a freaking idea that she dont wanna let the parents to know that danish was with us.haha!so we actually open the door slowly and quietly and quickly run into our room then shuts the door.mum was in the room and dad was sleeping in the living room btw.i was super scared he would wake up.thank god,danish wasnt crying or something.he was being super coorperative.everytime he wants to start crying,i quickly pat his back and told him not to cry.then he will just go back to sleep.cute or what!wir and myself kept laughing our ass off in the room.plan successful babe!hahaha!we should do this often joy.best!we can have danish all to ourselves*evil laugh*.
its mamayin's birthday today and i dont have an idea how old is she.obviously older than my mum!haha!we went to east coast to sort of celebrate and had our dinner.it was awesome man.its been some time since we sit down and have a great meal together.so i enjoyed myself.moreover,nenek and atok joined us!best!happy birthday once again to mamayin!love you many many!
im so dead tired now.had a really long day today.may god bless you people!